Lutz Huelle Frauen Kollektion - Vertrieb durch Melagence in Alle Märkte

Lutz Huelle

New brand

After completing his Fashion Degree at London’s Central St Martin’s and a three-year stint as Designer working with Martin Margiela on his Artisanal and Knitwear Collections, Lutz launched his eponymous Label in Paris with partner David Ballu. Lutz’ approach has been described as “Decontextualisation”: taking things out of context, reinventing ways to wear aclassic wardrobe, working on structure, volume and identity. His way of mixing and matching different genres and types of garments – Sportswear and Evening, Casual and Formal, Feminine and Masculine turned out to be prophetic – it has since become an integral part of the fashion landscape.

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Melagence vertreibt die Frauen Kollektion(en) von Lutz Huelle in